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石面 Stone Texture
古典!奢華!工業!北歐!鄉村風格!你選哪一個?不管你屬於哪種風格或者想打造更合身的專屬都行,各種風格都能滿足!這就是PinCo,拼口磚的百變超能力,我們石材系列採用真石材表面運用近30年老師傅手工藝,把每片PinCo 磚打造近乎石材的完美
Classical! luxurious! industry! Northern Europe! Country style! Which one do you choose? No matter what style you belong to or want to create a more exclusive and exclusive style, all styles can be met! This is PinCo, the ever-changing super power of the parquet brick. Our stone series uses the real stone surface to use nearly 30 years of master craftsmanship, and each piece of PinCo brick is perfect for stone.
尺寸: w120 x d180 x h20 mm /延伸到無限
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